October 18, 2024
Men's & Women's Health

Best Yoga Poses a Men’s & Women’s Health Guide

Enhance flexibility and balance with these top yoga poses from Men’s & Women’s Health experts. For a long time, yoga has been acknowledged of bringing positive changes in physical fitness, mental focus and general health. People regardless of gender can use yogic practice which is a holistic approach to enhance fitness through increasing flexibility, strength and balance. It is essential to note that whether one is an advanced scholar of the art or is new to it, the application of correct poses will add value to the person’s experience and practice. In this guide, we shall discuss some of the specific but most commonly used yoga poses with their procedural steps as well as their advantages.


Which Is Yoga?

Yoga goes far beyond only a simple approach to training – as it is a complex of exercises performed with the integration of body, mind and spirit. And like any other physical exercise, yoga comes with its own sets of advantages, and they are:

Increases Joint Mobility: Mores muscle mass gains allow for an increase in joint ranges of motion while enhancing flexibility.

Muscle Endurance: It strengthens main muscle groups especially arms as some postures require lifting one’s body.

Promotes Control: Control postures allow for improvements in stability and coordination.

Minimizes Anxiety: Stress Levels Increase in Response to the Body Moves and More So with Breathing in and out.

Improves Focus: Helps maintain concentration and peak performance levels with practice.


Best Yoga Poses for New learners

1. Adho Mukha Svan asana

One of the most popular poses which belong to the innumerable marks in the forms of yoga sequences is the Downward Faced Dog.


  • Assume the position of quadruped.
  • Pull your fingers out apart and down on to the floor.
  • Pick your bottom up and back and straighten your legs to make an upside-down V.
  • Press your heels down to the ground and keep your head in between your arms.


  • Lengthens the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders
  • Enhances the strength of the arms and legs

Table 1: Downward-facing dog key points

Aspect Details
Position Inverted V shape
Key Stretch Areas Hamstrings, calves, shoulders
Strengthens Arms, legs
Duration Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute

2. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

Warrior I asana is extremely vigorous as well as stable.


  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart; take one foot back.
  • Bend the front knee so that it is 90 degrees while the back remains straightened.
  • Take the arms overhead and look ahead.


  • Develops powers of the legs, core and arms
  • Improves mobility of the hips and chest

Table 2: Warrior I and Its Benefits Key Points

Aspect Details
Position Front knee bent, back leg straight
Key Stretch Areas Hips, chest
Strengthens Legs, core, arms
Duration Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute

3. Balasana (Child’s pose)

The Child’s pose soothes the body and works on the stretching the back as well.


  • Kneel on the mat with the big toes touching and the knees slightly apart.
  • Move back on your heels and stretch your arms in front.
  • Bend down such that the forehead touches the ground and relax.


  • Helps in getting rid of stiffness in the back, hips, and shoulders
  • Induces the feeling of relaxation and quiet

Table 3: Key points and information on Child’s pose

Aspect Details
Position Kneeling, arms extended forward
Key Stretch Areas Back, hips, shoulders
Strengthens Promotes relaxation
Duration Hold for 1-2 minutes

Intermediate Yoga Poses 

4. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Tree Pose is regarded as one of the most effective asanas that improves balance.


  • Standing on a leg raise the foot of the other leg bronchial stranding to the thigh or calf outer section of the inner thigh.
  • The position of the arms can be at the middle of the chest as in Namaste or placed raised direction to the shoulders or above.
  • Choose a particular point to look at so as to help you maintain balance.

Benefits: Improved coordination and balance

  • Strengthens muscles and core

5. Cobra Pose (Bhujang asana)

The Cobra Pose helps in expanding the chest and stabilization of the lower spine.


  • Face lies on any carpet placing your hands on both sides
  • Lift your upper body together with the elbows keeping your elbows bent to some level. Eyes can be focused on the ground or at a slightly higher angle


  • Provides stretch to the pectorals and abs Enhance strength in the lumbar region

6. Plank Pose (Phalak asana)

The Plank Pose core guarantees core development and helps improve its overall stability.


  • Start by getting in a push up position where your body curves from the tips of your head till towards your heels.
  • Lock your back and navel muscles keeping the hips flat and remaining until instructed to resume.


  • Strengthens the belly, back and shoulders of walking Upper and basic posture, increase.

Advanced Yoga Poses

7. Crow Pose (Bak asana)

The Crow pose is a concept arm balance pose that mirrors one’s ability in terms of focus and strength.


  • From a standing position, bend your knees until you are in a squatting position, bringing your arms down to the floor.
  • Place your knees on your upper arms and lean your torso forwards, raising your feet above the ground.
  • Balance on your hands and try to stay in that position.

Benefits / Effects:

  • Strengthens the arms and abdominal muscles
  • Aids in balance and focus

8. Headstand (Sirs asana)

Headstands have plenty of advantages but should be practiced clearly explained.


  • Assume a kneeling position and lace your fingers at the back of your head.
  • Rest on the crown and bend your body in the backward direction bringing feet towards the sky.
  • Tighten your core while keeping your legs in an upright position.


  • Boosts circulation in travel to churn and feed the head
  • Starts developing the strength of the shoulders and core muscles.

 Men's & Women's Health

9. Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanur asana)

Wheel Pose stretches the chest in which the majority of the body bends backwards and strengthens the whole body.


  • Begin by lying on the spine with knees up while keeping the feet grounded on the floor.
  • Bring the hands beneath the shoulders and push up while raising chin and hips upwards.
  • Stay in the position for a while and breathe out slowly and long.


  • Expands the chest, the hips and the abdominal region
  • Provides toning of the arms, legs and back

FAQ: Common Yoga Questions

1. How many times a week do I need to practice yoga?

For the newbies, practicing yoga with 2 to 3 sessions per week will deliver substantial benefits. Moving forward, when a comfortable level is reached, it would be best to change to the daily practice for the best results.

2. Do I require any special equipment for the purpose of yoga?

Yoga can be performed with the bare minimum of any equipment. Nevertheless, a yoga mat is preferred for stability and comfort. Blocks and straps are extra props that can be useful for the beginner.

3. How long should I stay in each pose?

Approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute is about the appropriate duration for most of the poses done. Concentrate on the breathing and you can be assured that you will be comfortable on every pose.

4. Is it possible to lose excess weight by means of yoga?

Weight loss can be achieved through Yoga since flexibility, muscle tone and fitness are improved. Still, fat loss from yoga will be best when complemented with other forms of workouts as well as a proper diet.

5. What about the sword? Are there any seizures I should watch out for?

If ever there exists a preceding health problem or injury, a healthcare officer should have to be consulted before embarking on a new yoga regime. A person has to be guided by how the body feels. Do not go to the extent of causing pain to the body.


It is safe to say that Yoga improves many aspects of people’s lives, including flexibility, strength, relaxation, and cognition. Practicing the above poses you will be able to touch the lightest aspects of yoga. Yoga is a complete health regime, be it physical fitness or a small pause during the day.

So, put on the mat, feel your body, and take the many benefits which yoga is so kind to offer. Last, but not least, enjoy the journey as much as the outcome, take your time while warming up and resting and have fun doing it!

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