October 18, 2024
Men's & Women's Health

Men’s & Women’s Health Top 5 Workout Plans for Weight Loss

Achieve your weight loss goals with these five workout plans recommended by Men’s & Women’s Health.For many individuals, shedding off the pounds is regarded as a worthwhile goal, but one may forget that it is not purely about dieting and avoiding food. Fat burning, metabolism enhancement, and general wellbeing are all made possible by exercising. It does not matter the gender you belong to, having a systematic plan for exercises will aid in keeping you focused and enable you to achieve the desired weight loss target within a short time.

This article mentions five of the best workout plans, in the opinion of Men’s and Women’s Health, which are sales oriented – they are aimed at people who want to lose weight and cannot do without special training. In a single program, cardio, strength, and stretching are included which saves both energy and time and helps to lose weight and shape the body.

In addition, some useful charts with training programs will be included, and a couple of jokes because fitness is amusement and should not be boring! Now let’s consider the key workout plans for quick and enviable results. Let’s begin!

1. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT is such an effective workout for weight loss that the workout routines incorporate short-duration bouts of intense physical activity interspersed with recovery or lower-intensity physical activity. HIIT TRAINING is short but very concise on burning fat and increasing the metabolic rate.

Benefits of HIIT for Weight Loss:

  • Burns the same number of calories in a shorter duration
  • Enhanced fat loss, with the extra benefit of central obesity minimization
  • Increases metabolism for hours even after the workout (EPOC)
  • Better cardiovascular fitness

A sample of a 20-minute HIIT workout includes:

Exercise Duration Rest
Jumping Jacks 30 seconds 15 seconds
Burpees 30 seconds 15 seconds
High Knees 30 seconds 15 seconds
Mountain Climbers 30 seconds 15 seconds
Rest 1 minute
Repeat Circuit 3x

2. Weight Training

Most people associate strength training – or weightlifting – merely with muscle building, which is true but fails to mention that this is one of the effective ways to aid weight loss as well. In weight training or body exercises, you also achieve a put on a lot of lean muscle mass which raises the body’s metabolism and the rate of fat burning. No, women need not fear being bulky if they undertake strength training – it will not happen!

Advantages off Strength Training Exercises:

  • Increases the rate of resting metabolism, hence, increasing the number of calories expended during rest
  • When carrying out a weight loss program, it aids in combating muscle loss
  • Provides proper shape and defines muscles

Sample whole body strength workout:

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Between Sets
Squats 3 12 60 seconds
Push-Ups 3 12 60 seconds
Deadlifts 3 10 60 seconds
Plank 3 30 sec 60 seconds

3. Activities Involving Running and Cardio

Running is one of the easiest, cheapest and most effective ways of getting rid of extra calories. It may include running outside, indoor running on the treadmill or doing other types of cardio such as cycling, rowing, etc., which increases heartbeat and reduces fat.

Advantages of Running in Trying to Lose Weight:

  • Most calories would be burnt in that session
  • It builds endurance and enhances heart fitness
  • It can be performed anywhere and at any time

Running Programme for Weight Loss: A Sample Plan (Perhaps 30 Mins Session to Include Run):

Time Intensity Level Activity
0-5 min Low Warm-Up (Walking)
5-15 min Moderate Jogging
15-20 min High Sprint Intervals
20-30 min Low Cool Down (Walking)

Men's & Women's Health

4. Circuit Training

Circuit training provides an opportunity to do strength training with cardio within a limited time, and in a high intensity workout. By exercising one body part after another with no time for recovery, not only do you maintain a high heart rate but also increase your muscles power. Therefore, this type of workout is great for fast fat loss.

Advantages of Circuit Workouts:

  • It’s a combination of cardio and weights meaning you burn fats and calories in optimal amounts
  • More your heart beats quicker as a result fat becomes directly melted away
  • Time saving workout can be done between 20-30mins

Illustrative Circuit Training Schedule:

Station Duration Rest
Jump Rope 1 minute 15 sec
Push-Ups 1 minute 15 sec
Bodyweight Squats 1 minute 15 sec
Lunges 1 minute 15 sec
Plank 1 minute 15 sec
Rest 1 minute
Repeat Circuit 3x

5. Yoga as a Weight Management Tool

People may not think of yoga as a weight loss option, which of course it isn’t, however certain forms of yoga such as Power Yoga or Vinyasa may encourage burning of calories, increasing muscle flexibility and developing muscle endurance as well. Yoga is also known to diminish stresses which is very helpful in controlling weight.

  • Why Yoga is Helpful in Weight Loss

    Enhances muscular endurance and flexibility

  • Enhances psychological condition and prevents binge eating linked to heightened emotional states
  • Increases caloric expenditure in prolonged and more vigorous sessions

Weight Loss Yoga Schedule:

Pose Duration
Downward Dog 1 minute
Warrior I 1 minute
Plank Pose 30 seconds
Chair Pose 1 minute
Rest and Repeat 3 rounds


 1. How many weeks must I work out so as to achieve my weight loss targets?

A safe way of losing weight entails engaging is aerobic exercises three times in a week performing Workout schedules can also be broken into a variety of aerobic exercises, some that involve strength training and some that improve flexibility.

 2. What is the most effective exercise that burns the most calories?

HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training when compared to several of the exercise routines, consumes the highest number of calories in the least amount of time. Other physical activities that are equally effective at calorie-burning include running, swimming, or cycling.

 3. Will I be able to lose weight if I only incorporate weightlifting into my routine?

Certainly – Stress boils down to resist, stress training is primarily focused on enhancing lean muscle which in turn increases the BMR. Hence the total calories expended during the day is also elevated se even in the course of inactivity.

 4. Is it more effective to concentrate on diet or exercise while trying to lose weight?

Diet is the source of energy, and it is the source of the caloric deficiency owing to excess weight, while exercise helps discover and burn fats as well as build muscles. So, the most effective weight loss strategy is to eat well and train regularly.

5. How soon can I see the results?

You can start observing tangible outcomes in no more than 4-6 weeks of dedication, right. However, loads are a relative factor when talking about progress because there are many things to consider such as starting weight, intensity and genetics.

Final Thoughts.

Regardless of if it is your first time to lose weight or if you’ve already reached some plateau, these five workout routines will be beneficial and assists in melting down the fats of the body. And weight loss comes to the point of choice, where you must adhere to the chosen plan that you consider appropriate for your schedules.

And always keep in mind: “Exercise is not a punishment. It’s a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate.” Therefore, appreciate every small win, be happy in doing so, and wait for the rewards.

So, what are you waiting for? Put on those shoes, unroll that mat, or take those dumbbells, start your weight loss journey today!

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