October 17, 2024
Men's & Women's Health

Men’s & Women’s Health How to Manage Stress with Meditation

Manage stress effectively with meditation techniques from Men’s & Women’s Health wellness experts. These days, it has become extremely easy for people to get overwhelmed by stress in day to day living. Some of the day’s activities that people cite as being stressful are employment, marriage, money and even the internet. However, while such stressors abound in our various spheres of activity, such should not control the whole of one’s existence. For each individual, time-worn stress management technique of meditating seems to offer a strong remedy for such ills.

In this article, we will discuss the possible benefits of meditation in controlling stress, and more specifically how different types of meditation can be more applicable to men or women, as well as how to incorporate meditation into a busy schedule on a more regular basis.

Understanding Stress and how Meditation Helps Healing

Stress normally causes the body to react in which case it is referred to as the “fight or escape” response. For instance, when an individual is stressed, there are hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that are released in the body which serve to either prepare one to attack or escape a threat. While such a reaction is beneficial in situations where a person is faced with imminent danger, the reverse is true concerning stress over time. It can make one’s health suffer in that due to stress, coronary diseases, hypertension, depression and anxiety will be the end outcomes.

Meditation assists the body in reversing the effects of stress by encouraging the “rest and digest” state within the body. The “rest and digest” state is characterized by a decreased heart rate, decreased blood levels, and helps the body to cool down. When practiced regularly, through meditation, one is able to condition the mind and the body on how to react towards stress positively hence decreasing the adverse effects it has on one’s wellbeing.

Table 1: Falling back on the Stress Responses Comparison

Response Fight or Flight (Stress) Rest and Digest (Meditation)
Heart Rate Increases Decreases
Blood Pressure Rises Lowers
Breathing Rate Rapid Slows
Muscle Tension Increases Relaxes
Cortisol Levels Elevated Reduced

Various Methods of Meditation for Stress Relief

There can be a variety of types of stress-relieving meditation techniques as well. There are some relaxation methods that can be beneficial in every circumstance, but some are more helpful than others when you consider stress relief.

1. Mindfulness meditation: In mindfulness meditation, only the present is taken into consideration and the practice is done without any criticism. It helps people recognize their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations which in turn helps them observe that stress without being overtaken by it.

Why it works: Mindfulness meditation helps you stay in the present moment, thus preventing your mind from clinging on to negative thoughts about what you did/ said in the past or what you are fearful/ concerned about in the future which are what usually causes a lot of stress and worry.

Who should try it: People wishing to improve their emotional self-control, regardless of whether they are men or women.

2. Guided meditation: A teacher or a recording takes you through the relaxation exercises or visualizations in guided meditation. Such meditations usually vary from five to fifty-eight minutes and are meant to assist you in concentration as well as relaxation.

How it helps with stress: This is one of the meditations that allows borderline stress from beginners as well as anxiety hope for all. Stress decreases due to relaxation imaging and exercises of visualization.

Best for: One of those who have difficulties practicing meditation alone or want some relaxation with a sense of order.

3. Transcendental meditation (TM): Transcendental meditation consists in mental activity of concentrating on and repeating internally one word or sound so that the blood pressure may reduce, and such stress is relieved from the mind. Some people advocate that it should be performed in the best practice for 20 minutes twice a day.

How it helps with stress: TM helps calm the racing thoughts present in most people and lowers down the levels of cortisol which is associated with anxiety stress thereby increasing concentration and alleviates panic and stress associated problems.

Suitable for: Special individuals, who wish to carry out the practice of meditation within specific time limits.

4. Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra can almost be thought of as a hybrid between deep sleep state and awareness state. During Yoga Nidra Essentials practitioners are taken on a journey by the props of the body as part of the exercises including body scans and breath awareness finding a peaceful and soothing complete body rest.

How it helps with stress: They are effective at relieving muscle tension and psychological stress, making them suitable for those with stress and fatigue.

Best for: People suffering from sleeping disorders caused by stress situations or people having muscle tension because of their anxious state.

Meditation for males and females: Any variations?

The practice of meditation, while useful to both men and women, must be approached in a gender sensitive manner as there are some dimensions of stress that vary across both genders and will thus affect the practice of meditation.

Stress in Male:

Men tend to carry stress in a more physiological manner. They may suffer from increased tensions such as high blood pressure and heart disease, and aggressive reactions or actions as the stresses build up. This is why meditation is useful to men—because it’s a constructive way to release angry energy and to relax the body’s tension.

Recommended practices for men:

Transcendental Meditation: It is helpful in calming the mind which in turn lowers the blood pressure in trying to alleviate stress

Mindfulness meditation: Teaches the participants about gaining better emotional regulation and emotional strength and better wielder of stress.

Stress in Female:

Many women get constant stress because they have too many things to do such as work, children, husband, chores and even themselves. Women stress is crippling and may lead to anxiety, depression, and emotional fatigue. It is where stress management by meditation comes in handy for women to rediscover themselves, lessen worries and maintain healthy emotions.

Recommended practices for women:

Yoga Nidra: Making it possible to dispose of physical as well as mental tiredness through deep rest.

Guided meditation: Participation reduces anxiety and promotes self-care and self-love.

Gender Common Stress Triggers Recommended Meditation
Men Physical tension, high blood pressure Transcendental Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation
Women Emotional burnout, anxiety Yoga Nidra, Guided Meditation

Begin a Former Mediation Practice

Embarking on a meditation practice is not as daunting and time-consuming as most people think it is. Start from these easy steps and you are good to go:

1. Set a Time: Set a specific time when you will meditate every day. It can be done really early in the morning or just before sleep. Whichever it is, stick to it. Start with 10 to 20 minutes daily.

2. Find a Quiet Space: Another thing that you want to do is to find a specific and comfortable area whereby you will not be disturbed. Soothe places include a bedroom’s corner, a home office and even outdoors.

3. Use an App or Timer: Using an application such as Headspace or Calm can be useful especially if you are meditating for the first time as it will take you through the steps. You can also put a timer on to avoid looking at your cell phone every minute to see if time is over.

4. Focus on Your Breath: Whichever way you prefer to mediate always ensure that breath control is at the center of your attention as the practice is quick and can be effective in controlling stress.

Meditation and Its Long-Term Benefits

Stress saturates one’s life, but meditation goes a long way in not only alleviating stress but managing it in the long run. Once a dedicated routine is followed, one begins to appreciate that one’s mental focus improves, the amount of ‘Worrying’ decreases and inner calm overwhelms one’s exterior. One of the advantages reported by those who have been practicing for longer periods of time, is better stress tolerance and physical health, like decreased systolic blood pressure and more improved sleep quality.

It is particularly helpful to manage a challenging situation within a controlled range logically with required objectivity and in the perspective of previously acquired information, including one’s own thoughts, opinions and feelings. This allows individuals to overcome the impact of stress while developing more effective health management strategies. However, in emerging economies, such as Eastern Europe, few studies are devoted to the long-run effects of relaxation exercises on mental health.

Table 3: Long-term benefits of Buddhism as a mental health rehabilitation.

Benefit Description
Reduced Anxiety Meditation helps calm racing thoughts and promotes emotional balance.
Improved Sleep By reducing stress, meditation improves the quality of sleep.
Enhanced Focus Regular practice increases attention span and focus.
Lowered Blood Pressure Meditation helps lower cortisol and blood pressure levels.

Men's & Women's Health

Most Common Work Obstacles and How to Tackle Them

Stress may be managed properly by the practice of meditation, but difficulties abound in attempts to make it a regular practice. Some possible barriers include the following, and the tips help in removing them:

1. “I Don’t Have Time for Meditation”: This is simply wrong since one does not have to spend hours on end in meditation in order to feel the benefits. It stands to reason that at least five to ten minutes a day will help with practice. Aim to take a little time and work on improving this until you can handle more.

2. “I Can’t Stop My Thoughts”: A lot of people feel that meditation means and measures the ability to stop all the thoughts. Rather worry whilst concentrating on full attention to the bandwidth of thoughts that are running in your mind. With focus, you will have gotten used to not focusing on certain impulses.

3. “I Get Bored”: You might easily hit a wall in the course of your meditation as was the case with me especially if like such practicality, you are used to being always busy. You may use guided meditations, or you may vary the methods so that you do not get quickly bored.


Does meditation help anxiety?

The answer is yes, meditation works well to deal with anxiety. Mindfulness meditation and several types of guided meditation are useful in reducing worrisome thoughts and promoting relaxation.

How much time do I need to devote to meditation each day in order to get the results I desire?

Dedicating anywhere from ten to twenty minutes each day to meditation will begin to improve stress, concentration and well-being. It is better to stick to it than to actually do it for long.

Is there a time during the day that is considered to be optimal for meditation practice?

Anytime that suits your daily schedule is the best time for meditation. Many people like to meditate in the morning so that they prepare for the day in a peaceful manner, whereas evening meditation is useful to some people as it helps them relax at the end of the day.

Can meditation cure stress without the use of medication or therapy?

Meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety and is recommended along with therapy or medication to an extent, it is not a substitute. As serious mental health issues should be treated, seeking medical advice will always be ideal.

How will I know if I am making progress in my meditation practice?

The change does come from meditating, but the benefits may show up very slowly in the beginning. There will be relief from stress plus good moods and concentration. The benefits of meditation will in the future come out more obviously with regular practice.


Stress management in our day-to-day lifestyle has various approaches but none more effective than meditation and hence one which everybody can afford. Everyone can benefit from daily practice of this technique regardless of level of experience.

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